Sunday, July 10, 2011

Imitation World Market Print

I was wasting time browsing Pinterest when I stumbled across this DIY project. I knew the painting she was talking about. I too had coveted it at World Market but passed on it because 1) the price tag was obnoxious and 2) the colors weren't just right for my turquoise and orange living room. So when I clicked on the pin's link, arrived at Two Girls Being Crafty and saw how easy it was to replicate, I was all in. Here's my go at this piece of wall art:

This is my color inspiration - since my apartment is fairly open although small, I try to coordinate the colors between the kitchen and living room somewhat. I use the counter bar to sort of transition between rooms.This napkin and napkin ring tie the colors of my kitchen (basically all the ones seen in the ring) with the orange and turquoise of my living room.

Supplies: Canvas (mine is 16x20, any size will do), paints in your choice of color, round sponge brushes in various sizes, and, optional as the white of the canvas is stark, a can of spray paint  in your color of choice. I chose 'Almond' in a satin finish.

Close up of the colors I chose.This paint is super cheap at Michael's and I was hesitant to use it, but their paint supplies were absolutely wiped out so I gave it a go - money well spent.

If you choose to spray paint, get that out of the way first so it'll have time to dry. Also, take note of the direction in which the spray comes out of the nozzle. You might spray yourself otherwise. Twice.

The spray-painted canvas. I love the color it turned out. (Yes that's sweet tea in a water goblet!)

This is the trickiest part of the whole process - painting the branches. The tutorial from Two Girls Being Crafty used a brown paint pen. I went to Hobby Lobby, Walmart and Michaels and couldn't find a brown paint pen to save my soul (if you need metallic paint pens though, all 3 have plenty) so I used a paint brush and brown paint. I'm NOT an artist so this made me nervous. It turned out pretty decent though for someone completely un-artistic.

Get your paint palette ready. I forgot paper plates, but I'd picked up several packages of these plastic plates at Walmart in various colors a while back for $1 for 4 plates so I used one of these. They're on clearance now for .75 cents so if your local Walmart has them, they're great for things like this or for throwing into a tote for an impromptu picnic.

Then, get to dotting! Place dots as you please until you get something you like.

Here's the finished project!

I just hung it up on my wall, but didn't take a picture. It looks great and adds so much cheer to the room. And the whole project cost me less than $15 for everything. I found myself thinking, oddly enough, that I'd like to use this in my little girl's room one day. It's kind of nice to think it may just end up on the walls of a nursery one day!

1 comment:

  1. great pics^^ i follow you! visit my blog,if you want!
